THE DESIGN & ILLUSTRATION REFERENCE- The world of comics & manga has long made ink its favorite colouring technique. Recognised in graphic arts as the world reference, Colorex Pébéo inks are formulated with pigments that give colours an incomparable vivacity.
DRAWING INK KIT - This Pebeo Watercolour Colorex BD Kit contains: 10 assorted liquid ink colors, 3 pipettes and a natural latex watercolor gum drawing.
VERSATILE WATERCOLOUR INK: Transparent and luminous, Colorex concentrated bottled ink is diluted very well in water and applied with various tools (airbrush, brush, pen) on various media: watercolor paper, cardboard, cardboard etc.
COLOREX APPLICATION - This kit contains 3 pipettes for optimum ink dosing, Colorex dries in minutes depending on the dilution and the weight of the paper. Like all inks, Colorex is sensitive to UV rays. To protect your colors, apply a UV varnish.